January 10, 2025

Do you ever feel that the more you strive for happiness, the more elusive it seems to become?

Here’s a little secret.

Sometimes, it’s not about adding more joy-sparking elements to your life. Rather, it’s about saying goodbye to certain behaviors that might be holding you back from experiencing true happiness.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “How can I boost my overall happiness?” let me introduce you to seven behaviors that might be standing in your way.

These behaviors creep into our lives subtly and gradually rob us of our joy.

But don’t worry!

Recognizing these behaviors is the first step towards creating a more fulfilling and happier life.

So, are you ready to discover what these seven behaviors are? Let’s dive in and explore them together.

1) Constant comparison

We’ve all been guilty of this from time to time.

You probably may hear that little voice in your head that tells you someone else is smarter, more successful, or just plain better than you.

Comparison is a slippery slope.

It starts innocently enough, but before you know it, you’re sucked into a whirlpool of self-doubt and dissatisfaction with your own achievements.

But here’s the truth.

Everyone’s path in life is unique.

So, instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own journey. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may seem.

Remember, the only person you should be trying to outdo is the person you were yesterday.

2) Neglecting self-care

Neglecting self-care is a surefire way to dampen your spirits.

There comes a time when we are so busy chasing deadlines and juggling responsibilities that we forget to take care of our own well-being.

Before we know it, we end up feeling drained, irritable, and far from happy. It takes a toll not just on our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well.

That’s when we realize the importance of self-care.

Taking time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Whether it’s a hot bath at the end of the day, a quiet morning walk, or simply reading a book, find what replenishes your soul and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.

Trust me, your happiness level will thank you for it.

3) Living in the past or future

We sometimes find ourselves dwelling on past mistakes and obsessively planning for the future. We are always replaying old conversations in our head, thinking about what we could’ve done differently, or worrying about future events that weren’t even guaranteed to happen.

And guess what? That is exhausting. It’s like you are living everywhere else but the present moment.

This quote will strike a chord. It read, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”

You realize that by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, you end up missing out on the beauty of now.

So, make a conscious effort to live more in the present. And it will make all the difference.

Living in the present moment allows you to experience life as it unfolds, rather than being lost in thoughts of what was or what could be.

It’s one of the most liberating things you can do for your happiness.

4) Overcommitting

The art of saying no.This can be a tricky one to master.

We often feel obligated to say yes to every opportunity, every invitation, and every request that comes our way.

But here’s the problem.

When we overcommit, we scatter our energy across too many things and end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Not exactly a recipe for happiness, right?

The secret is to learn to say no.

By thoughtfully choosing where to invest your time and energy, you create space for things that truly matter to you.

And remember, it’s okay to say no.

Your time is valuable, and you have every right to use it in a way that contributes to your happiness and well-being.

5) Ignoring your passions

Did you know that pursuing your passions can significantly increase your happiness levels?

There’s something incredibly fulfilling about engaging in activities that you are truly passionate about. It could be painting, cooking, dancing, gardening – anything that lights up your soul.

Yet, often we get so entangled in our daily routines and obligations that we push our passions to the back burner.

But consider this.

Your passions are not just hobbies or pastimes. They are a vital part of who you are. When you ignore your passions, you’re essentially ignoring a part of yourself.

Make time for what makes your heart sing. Not only will it bring you joy, but it’ll also give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. And that’s a surefire way to boost your happiness.

6) Seeking approval from others

There comes a time where we find ourselves constantly seeking approval from others.

We tweak our behaviors, adjust our pinions, and even change our appearance to fit into someone else’s definition of acceptable or likable

But learn this : Happiness doesn’t come from the approval of others. It comes from approving of yourself and being true to who you are.

The moment we stop seeking validation from others and started embracing my authentic self, we feel an incredible sense of freedom and happiness.

So, remember this : Your worth is not determined by others’ opinions of you, but by your opinion of yourself. Be true to yourself, and happiness will follow.

7) Holding onto negativity

Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. We all face challenges and setbacks.

But here’s the most important thing you should know.

Holding onto negativity—be it resentment, anger, or disappointment—can take a significant toll on your happiness. These negative emotions can consume you, leaving little room for joy or positivity.

The key is to let go.

Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning what happened. It means choosing not to let these negative experiences dictate your happiness.

It’s about acknowledging what happened, learning from it, and then moving forward.

This simple act of releasing negativity can create a profound shift in your happiness levels. Try it, and you’ll see the difference.

Final thoughts

If you find these behaviors resonating with you, don’t worry.

The truth is, we all have certain habits that may not serve our pursuit of happiness. But acknowledging them is the first step towards change.

Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight. It requires conscious effort and patience.

Start by observing your thoughts and actions. Notice when these behaviors show up, and gently guide yourself towards a more positive response.

Ask yourself – is this behavior enhancing my happiness or draining it? Is this serving my well-being or hindering it?

As the famous saying goes, “Happiness is not out there, it’s in you.” It’s about making choices that align with your well-being and joy.

So be patient with yourself as you embark on this journey of personal growth. Along the way, celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

In time, these small changes can lead to a significant boost in your overall happiness. You have the power to create a happier life for yourself – one choice at a time.

So go ahead, say goodbye to these behaviors, and embrace the joy that awaits you.

About Author

1 thought on "If you want to boost your overall happiness, say goodbye to these 7 behaviors"

  1. God bless you, then I guess it’s high time I took a step back to analyse myself and way forward,I’m grateful for this. Thank you

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